Calcite – Grossglockner (AUT)

ID: 0441

minerals: Calcite

location: Teufelskamp, Grossglockner, Carinthia, Austria

size: 12,5 x 8 x 5 cm


SKU: 0441Category: Tags: ,

This specimen was part of a limited find at Austria’s highest mountain in August 2011 at the elevation of 3.400 m. The name of the two people, who found it, is Doppelhofer & Obkircher (well known in the Austrian mineral scene). It shows an amazing quality and clarity, especially for an alpine location. The base is a thin calcite-plate where the large crystals are situated on. Have a look at the typical striped surface – there are a lot details to explore. This is a specimen for the advanced alpine collector.

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