Spodumen – Hamadan (IRN)

ID: 1468

minerals: Kunzite var. Spodumen

location: Hamadan area, Hamadan prov., Iran

size: 5 x 3 x 2,5 cm


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The story: in the beginning of 2020 a friend from Iran contacted me. He told me that he found a small spot with spodumene in his area. The videos he showed me were promising. He was experienced enough to recover about 2 dozens of crystals without damage. The little spot is empty now, he has no idea if there will be any new specimens. I've never heard of spodumene from Iran before, so I started to search for in mindat and asking friends about it. Same result: this is new!

I decided to pick the best ones of this find. At the same time I asked him about photos about this new spot. But meanwhile the people in Iran were unable to travel and since then he could not visit the location again. It took several months to receive the items and shipping was impossible, too. This single crystal is completely free of damage and shows a very high luster and clarity.


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