Calcite –Styria (AUT)

ID: 2015

minerals: Calcite

location: Kaintaleck magnesite deposit, Trofaiach, Styria, Austria

size: 11 x 7,5 x 3,5 cm


SKU: 2015Category: Tag:

This specimen is from an active magnesite-quarry located in the Austrian Alps. This is a location, not many specimens reach the market of. This particular specimen consists of hundreds of calcite-crystals on a matrix of magnesite. It was found on October 14th 2006, yes I know the exact date, it was told me by the finder. Only a few calcite-items worth collecting were found.

So this is a rare location specimen, not only for a calcite-collector. The specimen is in very good condition, there’s no significant damage.

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